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18.09.2019 - 20.09.2019

18th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2019)

Biometrics provides efficient and reliable solutions to recognize individuals. With increasing number of identity theft and miss-use incidents we do observe a significant fraud in e-commerce and thus growing interests on trustworthiness of person authentication. Nowadays we find biometric applications in areas like border control, national ID cards, e-banking, e-commerce and e-health. 

Large-scale applications such as the European Union SmartBorder Concept, the Visa Information System (VIS) and Unique Identification (UID) in India require high accuracy and also reliability, interoperability, scalability and usability. Many of these are joint requirements also for forensic applications.

Multimodal biometrics combined with fusion techniques can improve recognition performance. Efficient searching or indexing methods can accelerate identification efficiency. Additionally, quality of captured biometric samples can strongly influence the performance. Moreover, mobile biometrics is an emerging area and biometrics based smartphones can support deployment and acceptance of biometric systems.

However, concerns about security and privacy cannot be neglected. The relevant techniques in the area of presentation attack detection (liveness detection) and template protection are about to supplement biometric systems, in order to improve fake resistance, prevent potential attacks such as cross matching, identity theft etc.

The 18th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2019) conference addresses these issues and will present innovations and best practices that can be transferred into future applications.


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Veranstalter CAST e.V.
Datum 18. September 2019 - 20. September 2019
10:00 h - 17:00 h
Termin speichern
Ort Fraunhofer IGD
Fraunhoferstraße 5 , 64283 Darmstadt
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Ansprechpartner Claudia Prediger

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