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15.10.2018 - 16.10.2018

Data Driven Innovation in Industrial Biotechnology

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum

The ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum on Data Driven Innovation in Industrial Biotechnology informs about ELIXIR and de.NBI resources and creates a space to network for industry and academia.

This ELIXIR event is open to both large and small companies and is aimed in particular at companies active in industrial biotechnology, software companies working with data and tools in life sciences and all research institutes active in the field of data science in all life science domains. In this lunch-to-lunch event, attendees will be immersed in a world of data-driven innovation, illustrated through talks. With a mix of high-level keynote speakers and interactive sessions, this event will allow you to discuss and interact with other companies and ELIXIR partners. A specific session with Flash Talks, will give new companies the chance to introduce their work to a broad audience.

The event program is organised by ELIXIR Europe in cooperation with de.NBI/ELIXIR Germany, DECHEMA and BIO Deutschland and is free and open to all companies in Germany and beyond. The following sessions are included in the program:
- Big Data Challenges and Opportunities
- Data driven Biotechnology in Germany and Europe
- Services offered by de.NBI and ELIXIR
- Flash Talks from companies showcasing their products

More information concerning the program and the registration are available via the de.NBI homepage.

Veranstalter ELIXIR, de.NBI, DECHEMA und Bio Deutschland
Datum 15. Oktober 2018 - 16. Oktober 2018
12:00 h - 13:00 h
Termin speichern
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25 D-60486 Frankfurt Germany, Frankfurt am Main
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Ansprechpartner Dr. Daniel Wibberg
de.NBI Industriekoordinator
Tel. 052110612254

Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH
Technologieland Hessen

  • Mainzer Str. 118
    65189 Wiesbaden
    Tel +49 611 95017-8672

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