
Wir informieren Sie über aktuelle Projekte, Trends, Veröffentlichungen, Fördermöglichkeiten und weitere interessante Neuigkeiten aus den Innovationsfeldern des Technologielandes Hessen. 

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08.10.2020 - 09.10.2020

Workshop: Biowaste to Value

Do you want to learn more about value creation out of bio waste and aim to discover approaches for a systemic change in the food industry? Then join our two days’ workshop guiding you through the circular innovation process. You will be able to put circular economy concepts and tools into practice and might add them as a valuable asset to your research. The short course will show you how to identify circular opportunities, how to create value and how to identify potential solutions as you get a better understanding of systemic thinking. You will also learn about the development of circular business models and relevant approaches for the initiation of capacity building formats and stakeholder commitment.

You get the chance to connect with young professionals, PhDs and postgraduate students from different backgrounds - a win-win for everyone!

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung

Veranstalter Center for Industry and Sustainability (ZIN, Institute of Provadis University)
Datum 08. Oktober 2020 - 09. Oktober 2020
Termin speichern
Ort Provadis Hochschule
Industriepark Höchst, Gebäude B852, 65929 Frankfurt am Main
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Ansprechpartner Frau Carolin Hendrys
Tel. +49 172 8149220

Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH
Technologieland Hessen

  • Mainzer Str. 118
    65189 Wiesbaden
    Tel +49 611 95017-8672

  • Logo Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Wohnen Projektträger: Logo Hessen Trade & Invest