
  • Materials to RePowerEU - Innovations for the hydrogen economy

    Materials to RePowerEU - Innovations for the hydrogen economy 09/2024

    (Green) hydrogen will play a crucial role in our future energy supply for industry, the economy, and society. The path towards this goal presents many companies with significant challenges and transformations. A hydrogen economy places entirely new demands on innovative materials, particularly in ...
  • Materials for the European Green Deal - How innovative materials can lead to climate neutrality

    Materials for the European Green Deal - How innovative materials can lead to climate neutrality 09/2024

    The European Green Deal has set ambitious goals to make Europe climate neutral while enhancing its competitiveness. Innovative material technologies will play a central role in its successful implementation.  To further explore the contribution of material innovations and provide a forum for ...
  • Green-Tech in Hessen - Technologiestandort mit Zukunft

    Green-Tech in Hessen - Technologiestandort mit Zukunft 09/2024

    Die Broschüre bietet Einblicke in die innovative Querschnittsbranche Green-Tech in Hessen. Die Prognos AG hat hierfür eine umfassende Analyse durchgeführt und konventionelle Branchen untersucht. Auf Basis von vier klar definierten Kriterien, darunter direkter Umweltnutzen und ...

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Technologieland Hessen

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